On Sunday’s podcast, (listen here —> turdfurgesonreport.podbean.com), we discussed our updated top ten in all 8 classifications,  class AAAAAAA to class A. Below is a run down of the poll. There was a lot of movement in the largest classification. Not so much in the smaller ones. We were treated to some great opening week action! Week two brings some more marquee action.

AS always, polls are meant to spark discussion. I welcome all comments. I’m sure I’ve overlooked some teams, but like we mentioned in the podcast. This poll nor any poll means anything once the second season, the playoffs, begin in November.

Thanks for reading. Drop me a line if you feel so inclined. We would appreciate the feedback!


Week2 1-A Private


Week2 1-A Public


Week2 2-A


Week2 3-A


Week2 4-A


Week2 5-A


Week2 6-A


Week2 7-A

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